Re-Engaging in Your Community by Supporting Emerging Artists

Brighton is rich in culture. Throughout history, art and culture have been a part of our community’s evolution.
Culture generates social capital and strengthens a community’s character. Art creates the pathways that bring people together physically — at festivals, parks, community centers, galleries, museums, and performance spaces. It nurtures connection and builds culture.
Artists play an essential role in the development of the human experience. They record their time, share their stories and ideas, express their feelings, inspire reflection and form connections that transcend differences. They instill inspiration, hope, and renewed confidence in the community.
When asked what’s an ideal future for local artists, Des Rodrigues from the Brighton Arts and Culture Council (BACC) states, “We want many more artists in the various branches of creative activity such as painting, sculpture, crafts, music, literature, dance, theatre, films, graphic/visual arts etc., to be able to make a living and a life within their community.”
When asking how we can contribute to supporting the arts in our community, Surina Hart from the BACC suggests: becoming a BACC community friend or member, connecting with a local artist for your next purchase, participating in local events, whether it’s a gallery show, a cultural event or a local musician’s concert, subscribing to local artist’s online platforms and promoting them on social media, and spreading the word to family members, friends and co-workers. Culture influences art. Art Influences Culture.
Looking to the year ahead, the BACC is optimistic with the support of a growing membership and active community, many more artists of various genres, stages of their careers and cultures will have newfound opportunities to bridge the gap from emerging artist to established.
We Need People Like You
We are passionate about reviving an organization focused on nurturing and supporting all arts of all disciplines, of all ages and cultures in the community of Brighton and surrounding area.
Are you an individual artist or an arts group? Are you involved in music, theatre, dance, literary arts, visual arts, graphic arts or any other art form? Or are you a band, ensemble, collective, network, creative enterprise, cultural group or organization?
We are looking for passionate individuals who want to join our vision and help promote awareness and celebration of arts and culture in Brighton.
We are just getting started, so now is the time to join us!
For more information about becoming a BACC community friend or member, please visit our website at

Brighton Arts and Culture Council
We are passionate about reviving an organization focused on nurturing and supporting all arts of all disciplines of all ages and cultures in the community of Brighton and surrounding area.