Spring is in the air, Brighton

With a spring in our step – as the warmer weather ventures forth – we welcome a new season to Brighton. As the veil of winter lifts, we enter the season that gives us an opportunity to refresh and renew.
In this edition of the Beacon we see that the arts are alive and well in Brighton, as we celebrate the renewed Brighton Arts & Culture Council and the reawakening of the ENSS drama club’s musical theatre. As an ENSS Drama alumnus I confess, I’m excited to see what our high school is able to offer us this spring!
What would we talk about in Brighton if not the need for doctors and health services? We work hard in this community to attract and retain our medical practitioners. It’s great to see the hardworking doctors profiled in this edition of the Beacon and to read about Councillor Faretis’ goals for health service attraction too. There is no better way to stay healthy and active than to head out on the water with our Dragon Boaters, whom you can read about in this issue as well.
As we venture into spring, I’m proud of the work that our Municipal team has done through the winter season. Keeping Main Street clear of snow so that you and I can shop and walk downtown is a remarkable effort given the extreme weather that impacted us early in the season. Over Christmas Brighton became the overnight home to a couple of dozen guests, and although it’s not ideal to spend Christmas Eve and morning in a community centre – I am happy that we were able to get some stranded and weary travellers in from the cold and housed safely overnight. I know that many of you opened your homes to travellers stuck out there – for that you have my thanks. It is a very Brighton thing to do to welcome strangers in need into our homes. You make me proud of this place we call home.
As the cold lifts and the sun stays in the sky a little longer each day, open up those windows or head on out to one of our many trails or parks and enjoy some fresh air. Trails and paths are available for your strolling enjoyment throughout the community, at our Conservation Areas and of course in our jewel that is Presqu’ile. Take a deep breathe Brighton, that’s spring in the air!
Stay well Brighton,
Brian Ostrander,
Mayor of Brighton