Embracing Brighton’s Summer Charm

It’s sure is nice to feel the sun again!
New businesses are opening and shop keepers are ready for local customers and visitors alike to take a look around and be greeted with our local charm. Presqu’ile is inviting visitors from far and wide with lots of activities, trails and sights to enjoy. Brighton is alive with activity!
Music in the Park has begun again thanks to our Community Events team; I hope that you will take the opportunity to join us on a Wednesday evenings to see the bands that are joining us in Memorial Park this year, and also take a read about the other work this group is doing on your behalf! The Codrington Market is open every Sunday again, Canada Day plans are underway, and we will be commemorating the 1973 tornado on July 8th with a movie in the park on July 13th (50 years to the day).
In this issue we will read about the next steps being taken by the Presqu’ile Lighthouse Preservation Society as they gear up to place their crowning achievement, the cupola, back on top of the lighthouse. Brighton and Presqu’ile are known for our lighthouse and we are grateful to the Society for undertaking this work for the community. You can also read about the origins of the settlement area known as Cankerville, you can see the sign as you drive south on County Road 30 from the 401.
You will also see the good work being done by our community volunteers like the work of the Brian Todd Memorial Community Fund from school grants for sports and play equipment to the banner project highlighting student artwork, this group works tirelessly to fund important projects in the community. And, the work of Helping Ukrainians Get Settled, their recent gala was a phenomenal success and their upcoming dance will help get Brighton’s guests on their feet.
You can also read about all the great economic activity happening around the community from those new businesses to Brighton’s very own pop-up shops at King Edward Park. The Shed at King Ed is sure to have something for everyone! We share stories about he long time service of some of our local shops; and, our friends at the Bay of Quinte provide us with lots of dining opportunities throughout the community.
I look forward to seeing you at one of our many events over the summer or perhaps we’ll see each other on one of Brighton’s many patios! Have a great Summer Brighton,